Social media in healthcare industry

The days were gone for social media tools for marketing are limited and perfectly suited for consumer brands. There are most of the businesses using social media for their business objectives and strategic business goals and ROI generation, the businesses are like insurance companies, law firms and auditors etc. Among the all the industries those are using social media, healthcare industry is the one which is benefitting from social media for growth. This is might a small primary care center or multi-discipline medical complex, social media helps to attract customers or new patients and experiencing feedbacks from present clients or patients and sharing their expertise through sources of media.

Customers of healthcare industry are showing their interest towards social media for finding doctors and sharing their positive experiences. One-third of US customers are using Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to get the information regarding medicals and researching and sharing symptoms and ask opinions for doctors, health plans, and treatments.

How can doctors, hospitals and medical practices be able to generate ROI from social media by sharing experiences and medical information and leverage market?

Facebook is the one of top social media platforms which has huge scope of customer base to share experiences with doctors or hospitals. There is an opportunity in this platform to have reviews and comments. Where this content can be used to engage communities and has scope for consistent stream for self content.

But, to get the required customer reviews and engaging this is required to hospitals and practices to post their continuous developments and incorporate information regarding practices and expertise has to highlight with differentiating to others. To highlight all practitioners, creating Facebook page with the local language and standardized levels with including multimedia objects like video sharing and audio sharing etc.

Twitter has much differentiation with Facebook but compared to customer base it limits to certain succinct factoids. Twitter is an ideal tool for asking questions to experts directly and answers given by responders will directly served to you as folder to get future updates for Facebook and posts in blogs.

YouTube is the huge channel based on video sharing and it has friendly platform for webinars and views sharing. These social mediums are available in all the platforms like mobile and web and Smartphone and tablets. Tagging to video is the best way to engage customers and can able to comment on videos.

Blogs will provide doctors, hospitals and medical practices to highlight their success their stories briefly and every blog is used as an individual marketing opportunity to rank the base website. Sharing stories and giving customers to comment on posts is key reasons for customer engagement. Including suitable keywords is best practice for blog management.

Integrating patients to social media channels will consistently be in communication with existing patients. These social media tools will create platform to communication with customers to work cohesively execute ROI focused strategy.