Obamacare: how ‘not to care’ about top American hospitals

Wondering why healthcare in the United States costs more?

Well, some of the best hospitals in the world are in here. Though this is certainly not just one reason, but for sure we know that things that come with a better quality tag cost more.

However, with the onset of Obamacare this quality healthcare will not be available to many typical Americans.

It has been made public through various media that people in America who enroll for the healthcare law’s exchanges programme will not be covered if they were to get treated at the nation’s top hospitals.

Many Americans were until now under the idea that Obama cared about the typical American. Maybe you were too.
Britain's Financial Times has come up with this piece:

“Americans who are buying insurance plans over online exchanges, under what is known as Obamacare, will have limited access to some of the nation's leading hospitals, including two world-renowned cancer centers.

Amid a drive by insurers to limit costs, the majority of insurance plans being sold on the new healthcare exchanges in New York, Texas, and California, for example, will not offer patients' access to Memorial Sloan Kettering in Manhattan or MD Anderson Cancer CenHter in ouston, two top cancer centers, or Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, one of the top research and teaching hospitals in the country.”

Experts are of the opinion that this is a move by the government totally based on a financial structure. Healthcare consumers’ options will now be limited as they are continually moved away from costly hospital care and this could be a market competition of sorts among insurance companies, with the Obamacare coming into effect.

With the coming in effect of the new government decree and code of operation, health insurance plans must be definitely more and pricey in order to attain requirements of the law. So practically, with the signature on the Affordable Care Act, Obama now decides on what care you can expect to avail and what kind of coverage you can claim.

It is a sorry state of affairs: the media has begun taking this phenomenon to various angles and trying to arrive at all sorts of various conclusions.

Many experts are of the idea that this might get worse than it already is: far worse.

Certain health insurance plans, if signed up for, will allow Americans to arrive at a certain healthcare facility which might be out of the network, thus necessitating costs. Many a time strong recommendations might be needed to even prove that a certain medical care is absolutely necessary. This turn of events is making some healthcare authorities witness the revision as an unforeseen result of the ACA.

One of the several word in for the Affordable Care Act was to aid in making healthcare less costly almost a $2500 annually and available to any American under a certain healthcare plan. With the current scenario not only will healthcare be expensive, but whoever enrolls for the Obamacare ‘arrangement’ will lose access to the bet of facilities in the country.

“Amid these new regulatory restrictions, says Tim Jost, a health policy expert, insurance companies have had to come up with new ways to cut the cost of their products. In this new era, limiting the availability of certain facilities that are seen as too expensive - in part because they may attract the sickest patients or offer the most cutting edge medical care - is seen as the best way to control costs.”

So Americans will have to choose whether they may or may not want to ride a Mercedes and definitely pay for it to grab a ride. What happens to quality healthcare access then? What happens to happy taxpayer all glued to the Congressional information just to see his/her life get better?

They might need to wait.

This article does not represent the views of hospital-management.com and we are in no way responsible for the repercussions.

